Helping Each Other can Make The World Better

Youths for PeaceBuilding & Development in Africa- YOUPEDA is an Eco- solution and community-based organization for youth, women, children and men in Africa. We are youth, women led centered organization, with voluntary members committing and bringing change in communities and lives. We operate as a legally registered non- profit, non- partisan, non- religious, non- political organization in Nigeria with inclusivity and diversity to address current challenges faced by young people, children, women and men in the area of peace and conflict, organized crime intervention, governance, human rights, decolonization, violent extremism, women rights and gender-based violence, interfaith dialogue, unemployment, Education, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights education and climate change. YOUPEDA uses inclusive business models of youth apprenticeship scheme development across its work entrepreneurial, leadership, empowerment and education to create voluntary change and make things happen positively. We have farming, digital/technological, business, trading apprenticeship and mentoring.

We work with all ages (teenager/younger adults). We are very much interested in working with these groups wherever they are located in rural, hard to reach communities. Our work in Nasarawa and Abuja distance communities mainly youth focused and driven.

As an eco-solution organization, we use digital peace technology in our work; provide training, analysis that brings transformative impacts. Our community women farming support programmes, popularly called WOSACCOFEM in partnership with World Faith is a good example economic and livelihood support. We are research oriented and collaborate with collaboration with institutions, organizations and local and global initiatives in creating impacts locally. Fundraising for our local work needs is In The humanitarian, smart response, smart city resilience, the Internally Displaced Camps(IDPs)community engagement, peace farming Entrepreneurship/economic empowerment, disability rights in SHRH, human rights, democracy and good governance and Corruption education and culture is very important and critical to our core philosophy. We work based on the fundamental human needs of communities and priority of time and resources. Our target communities are engaged and provided with basic information, knowledge and services to address issues affecting vulnerable children/ youths and women. Also, issues affecting their development, through grassroots research, participation and mobilization and effective use of community tools and structures for long term sustainability interventions. We deploy the social media and digital platform realistically in our work with young people and women especially in area of peace intervention, gender-based violence and tackling corruption/organized crime in the society.

We work and target vulnerable children, young people, women, girls, boys and men as well as other community actors who are interested in change and development through direct interventions base on locally driven and community participatory solutions and dedicated objectives.

We work with schools, communities and rural/hard to reach communities to change and impact lives.

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A Journey Through Youpeda Story



Obi knew that violence can be addressed with understanding and parties not being too self-centered but make more sacrifices and painstaking choices. Our idea was conceived and born in Sokoto.











2015 - 2022

Our expert team

Meet The Team Behind Our Success Story

Our mission is to be committed to empower and contribute to a peaceful, healthy, safelife in Africa and beyond.

Our vision is to be a local and global change agent for children, young people, women and men.

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We help companies develop powerful corporate social responsibility, grantmaking, and employee engagement strategies.


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We help companies develop powerful corporate social responsibility, grantmaking, and employee engagement strategies.

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Solution Driven

We are pragmatic empathic, innovative and practical

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